Illuminate Your Benched Things with this Death Stranding Lamp

A montage of a "death stranding" lamp in two different color modes, purple on the left and blue on the right

[Pinkman] creates a smart RGB table lamp based off of the “Odradek device” robot arm from the video game “Death Stranding”. [Pinkman] adds a XIAO BLE nRF52840 Sense device, with …read more Continue reading Illuminate Your Benched Things with this Death Stranding Lamp

Remoticon Video: How to Use Machine Learning with Microcontrollers

Going from a microcontroller blinking an LED, to one that blinks the LED using voice commands based on a data set that you trained on a neural net work is a “now draw the rest of the owl” problem. Lucky for us, Shawn Hymel walks us through the entire process …read more

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Let This Crying Detecting Classifier Offer Some Much Needed Reprieve

Baby monitors are cool, but [Ish Ot Jr.] wanted his to only transmit sounds that required immediate attention and filter any non-emergency background noise. Posed with this problem, he made a baby monitor that would only send alerts when his baby was crying.

For his project, [Ish] used an Arduino …read more

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