Is it safe to assume that my computer’s clock will always be synced with actual time within the second or a few seconds at the worst?

Years ago, I was running a service where the moderators were able to do various actions with massive privacy implications if the accounts or contributions were less than a short period of time. I did this by checking the timestamp against … Continue reading Is it safe to assume that my computer’s clock will always be synced with actual time within the second or a few seconds at the worst?

Why is Differential Power Analysis (DPA) faster than Correlation power analysis (CPA) in Execution Time?

I have implemented both DPA and CPA attacks in C. I have executed both attacks with the same number of traces and samples (5000 traces of 6000 sample points). In terms of execution time, I get that the CPA is almost 12 times SLOWER than DP… Continue reading Why is Differential Power Analysis (DPA) faster than Correlation power analysis (CPA) in Execution Time?

Bobble-Bot Teaches Modern Real-Time Robot Control

Bobble-Bot uses the standard inverted pendulum problem to teach modern robotic control using a Raspberry Pi, RT-Linux, and ROS.

We’re really impressed by the polish and design effort put into this project, and it’s no surprise that it’s a finalist in the 2019 Hackaday Prize. Bobble-Bot is a top heavy …read more

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