The Luminiferous Theremin

[Extreme Kits] asks the question: “What the hell is a luminiferous theremin?” We have to admit, we know what a thermin is, but that’s as far as we got. You’ve …read more Continue reading The Luminiferous Theremin
Collaborate Disseminate
[Extreme Kits] asks the question: “What the hell is a luminiferous theremin?” We have to admit, we know what a thermin is, but that’s as far as we got. You’ve …read more Continue reading The Luminiferous Theremin
A culture in which it’s fair to say the community which Hackaday serves is steeped in, is electronic music. Within these pages you’ll find plenty of synthesisers, chiptune players, and …read more Continue reading Where Did Electronic Music Start?
[Machining and Microwaves] got an interesting request. The BBC asked him to duplicate the Great Seal Bug — the device the Russians used to listen covertly to the US ambassador …read more Continue reading Recreating one of History’s Best Known Spy Gadgets
MIDI controllers can be simple straightforward keyboards, or wild magical devices that seem to snatch notes from the very aether itself. As you might expect from the name, the Nanoaetherphone …read more Continue reading Nanoaetherphone Is a Special MIDI Controller
Theremins are a bit of an odd instrument to begin with, but [AphexHenry] decided to put one where no theremin has gone before: into a baguette. The “baguetophone” is a …read more Continue reading Theremin Baguette Brings New Meaning to Breadboarding
The theremin is popular for its eerie sound output and its non-contact playing style. While they’re typically built using analog hardware, [Linus Åkesson] decided to make one using the venerable …read more Continue reading C64 Turned Theremin with a Handful of Parts
For those who are not into prog rock in the 70s or old radio shows from the 40s, the Theremin may be an unfamiliar musical instrument. As a purely electronic …read more Continue reading Raspberry Pi Creates Melody
For those who are not into prog rock in the 70s or old radio shows from the 40s, the Theremin may be an unfamiliar musical instrument. As a purely electronic …read more Continue reading Raspberry Pi Creates Melody
In a world where smartphones have commoditized precision MEMS Sensors, the stage is set to reimagine clusters of these sensors as something totally different. That’s exactly what [chronopoulos] did, taking …read more Continue reading Laser Theremin Turns Your Hand Swooshes into Music
Dealing with breakdowns is certainly nothing new for drivers; plenty of us have had our ride die in mid-flight, and experienced the tense moment when it happens in traffic. But …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: September 26, 2021