How Roblox completely transformed its tech stack

Picture yourself in the role of CIO at Roblox in 2017. At that point, the gaming platform and publishing system that launched in 2005 was growing fast, but its underlying technology was aging, consisting of a single data center in Chicago and a bunch of third-party partners, including AWS, all running bare metal (nonvirtualized) servers. […] Continue reading How Roblox completely transformed its tech stack

The True Danger To North America: Unmanaged & Embedded Infrastructural Technical Debt

via Alexis C. Madrigal – writing for The Atlantic – comes this prescient piece, targeting technical debt within the United States’s physical infrastructure. Quite likely, the single , most dangerous and looming threat to our way of life. Read and watc… Continue reading The True Danger To North America: Unmanaged & Embedded Infrastructural Technical Debt

How Trulia began paying down its technical debt

As every software company knows, over time as code ages and workarounds build on work-arounds, the code base becomes bloated. It becomes ever more difficult to get around the technical debt that you’ve built up over time. It’s really impossible to avoid this phenomenon, but at some point, companies realize that the debt is so […] Continue reading How Trulia began paying down its technical debt

Un-stuck: moving past the garbage in your technical life

DevOps Deliveries

One of the reasons I like the metaphor of “technical debt” is because I see it causing in the datacenter the same paralysis as personal debt yields in households: people who lament for extended periods how awful it is, to the point that they miss out on the action to correct it.

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Continue reading Un-stuck: moving past the garbage in your technical life