Is there a way to filter RFCs for what would constitute minimum allowed TCP/UDP traffic for functioning of web applications? [closed]

In my search for a comprehensive list of implemented RFC’s as pertaining to TCP/UDP traffic, I’ve come across RFC 7414 – but it only provides links and only for TCP. Is there any project that either meta-analyzed these, or that has been ma… Continue reading Is there a way to filter RFCs for what would constitute minimum allowed TCP/UDP traffic for functioning of web applications? [closed]

Why does my simple TCP connect cause a cascade of repeated connection attempts on my vitual server? [closed]

I’m trying to set up port knocking using iptables on a Debian server hosted by VirtualBox on my Ubuntu machine. For some reason, when I knock on a port on the server from the host machine, this knock is automatically repeated several times… Continue reading Why does my simple TCP connect cause a cascade of repeated connection attempts on my vitual server? [closed]

Why does my simple TCP connect cause a cascade of repeated connection attempts on my vitual server? [closed]

I’m trying to set up port knocking using iptables on a Debian server hosted by VirtualBox on my Ubuntu machine. For some reason, when I knock on a port on the server from the host machine, this knock is automatically repeated several times… Continue reading Why does my simple TCP connect cause a cascade of repeated connection attempts on my vitual server? [closed]

Is this TCP socket encryption and password storage implementations secure enough?

I’d like to know if this communication technique is secure enough against attacks, both on the connection itself and the password-storing procedures.

Both the client and the server have access to 2 pre-shared static keys:
Enc Key A (32-by… Continue reading Is this TCP socket encryption and password storage implementations secure enough?

Does the browser reuse the SSL negotiation process (and/or the tcp connection) for additional resources? [migrated]

If a script tag is loaded to a website, and then in this script there are additional calls to the same domain, such as an AJAX (xhr) request to, will the browser do the SSL n… Continue reading Does the browser reuse the SSL negotiation process (and/or the tcp connection) for additional resources? [migrated]

Can UDP traffic be transmitted over TCP ports on OpenVpn to avoid the TCP meltdown [closed]

I understand the TCP meltdown problem is associated with overcompensation from errors and incorrect sequencing when arriving the the receiver end. OpenVpn connections are recommended to use the UDP protocol.
Does this mean that the connect… Continue reading Can UDP traffic be transmitted over TCP ports on OpenVpn to avoid the TCP meltdown [closed]