Smashing Security podcast #311: TikTok, wiretapping, and your deepfake voice is your password

Who has been warning Italian criminals that their phones are wiretapped? Can you trust your voice to protect your bank account? And why is TikTok being singled out by investigators?

All this and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of t… Continue reading Smashing Security podcast #311: TikTok, wiretapping, and your deepfake voice is your password

Bulk Surveillance of Money Transfers

Just another obscure warrantless surveillance program.

US law enforcement can access details of money transfers without a warrant through an obscure surveillance program the Arizona attorney general’s office created in 2014. A database stored at a nonprofit, the Transaction Record Analysis Center (TRAC), provides full names and amounts for larger transfers (above $500) sent between the US, Mexico and 22 other regions through services like Western Union, MoneyGram and Viamericas. The program covers data for numerous Caribbean and Latin American countries in addition to Canada, China, France, Malaysia, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine and the US Virgin Islands. Some domestic transfers also enter the data set…

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Flamboyant Italian clothes defeat facial recognition without masks

They may be a little brutal on the eye, but Capable says its visually confusing and extremely pricey cotton knits are designed to throw off AI facial recognition systems, by fooling machine learning systems into thinking you’re an animal and not a huma… Continue reading Flamboyant Italian clothes defeat facial recognition without masks

The FBI Identified a Tor User

No details, though:

According to the complaint against him, Al-Azhari allegedly visited a dark web site that hosts “unofficial propaganda and photographs related to ISIS” multiple times on May 14, 2019. In virtue of being a dark web site—­that is, one hosted on the Tor anonymity network—­it should have been difficult for the site owner’s or a third party to determine the real IP address of any of the site’s visitors.

Yet, that’s exactly what the FBI did. It found Al-Azhari allegedly visited the site from an IP address associated with Al-Azhari’s grandmother’s house in Riverside, California. The FBI also found what specific pages Al-Azhari visited, including a section on donating Bitcoin; another focused on military operations conducted by ISIS fighters in Iraq, Syria, and Nigeria; and another page that provided links to material from ISIS’s media arm. Without the FBI deploying some form of surveillance technique, or Al-Azhari using another method to visit the site which exposed their IP address, this should not have been possible…

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EarSpy Attack Can Use Motion Sensors Data to Pry on Android Devices

By Deeba Ahmed
An EarSpy attack is a proof of concept of a new type of attack on Android devices that exposes users to eavesdropping.
This is a post from Read the original post: EarSpy Attack Can Use Motion Sensors Data to Pry on Android D… Continue reading EarSpy Attack Can Use Motion Sensors Data to Pry on Android Devices

Data Collection Costs Epic Games Half a Billion USD

By Deeba Ahmed
The FTC has announced to charge Epic Games with a $520 million settlement concerning the alleged violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
This is a post from Read the original post: Data Collection … Continue reading Data Collection Costs Epic Games Half a Billion USD