Bubbling “BeerBots” could boost the brewing of beer

The longer it takes to brew a batch of beer, the greater the chances of microorganisms getting in and ruining the whole thing. In order to speed up and simplify the process, scientists have developed tiny BeerBots.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags:… Continue reading Bubbling “BeerBots” could boost the brewing of beer

Kind of carbs more important than quantity for cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Whereas previous studies have considered the link between overall carbohydrate consumption and CVDs, a new UK study looked at whether the types of carbohydrates consumed impacted … Continue reading Kind of carbs more important than quantity for cardiovascular health

Dessert stomach: Gut microbiome may influence overindulgence of sweets

If you’ve ever found room for dessert even though you thought you were full, the bacteria in your gut might be to blame. Caltech scientists have shown that mice whose gut microbiome had been disrupted by antibiotics ate far more sugary snacks than norm… Continue reading Dessert stomach: Gut microbiome may influence overindulgence of sweets

New technique uses candy to apply microcircuits to curved surfaces

Ordinarily, the microcircuit patterns used in microchips are printed onto flat silicon wafers, potentially limiting the chips’ applications. A new technique, however, lets such patterns be more easily applied to curved surfaces – and it uses “candy” to… Continue reading New technique uses candy to apply microcircuits to curved surfaces

High-sugar diet desensitizes the tongue to sweet tastes, says rat study

Do people eating lots of sugar become desensitized to sweetness? Scientists at the University of Michigan (U-M) have found evidence that this might be the case, with a new study in rats finding that those on a high-sugar diet had as much as a 50% reduc… Continue reading High-sugar diet desensitizes the tongue to sweet tastes, says rat study

New sweetness-enhancing compounds discovered in citrus fruits

Scientists at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences have discovered eight natural sweetness-enhancing compounds in citrus fruits. The research suggests these molecules may be useful as sugar substitutes in food.Continue … Continue reading New sweetness-enhancing compounds discovered in citrus fruits

Two or more sodas a day linked to increased risk of death from cancer

The relationship between sugar and human health is a complex one, but new research has added some valuable new detail around the habitual consumption of the sweet stuff. The study suggests that drinking two or more servings of sugary drinks each day ca… Continue reading Two or more sodas a day linked to increased risk of death from cancer

New discovery reveals how sugar disrupts gut bacteria, leading to obesity

A new animal study has demonstrated one way sugar can contribute to metabolic diseases such as diabetes is by causing disruptions to the gut microbiome. The novel findings home in on exactly how certain gut bacteria can protect against the harmful effe… Continue reading New discovery reveals how sugar disrupts gut bacteria, leading to obesity

Some artificial sweeteners found to alter microbiome and blood sugar

A new study has investigated the effects of four common artificial sweeteners on the gut microbiome in humans. The findings revealed not only can these sweeteners lead to distinct changes in gut bacteria composition but they can also alter a person’s g… Continue reading Some artificial sweeteners found to alter microbiome and blood sugar

Blood biomarker promises to identify diabetes before symptoms develop

Type 2 diabetes can take years to develop, and if caught early it is an entirely preventable disease. A new study suggests a particular blood biomarker could be used to identify those patients on the way to a diabetes diagnosis but yet to display sympt… Continue reading Blood biomarker promises to identify diabetes before symptoms develop