This $12 CNC Rotary Axis Will Make Your Head Spin

Wood game piece being carved by a CNC mill with a hacked rotary axis

[legolor] brings us a great, cheap rotary axis to add to your small 3 axis CNC mills. How are you going to generate G-Code for this 4th axis? That’s the …read more Continue reading This $12 CNC Rotary Axis Will Make Your Head Spin

Tempus Nectit, a DIY Knitting Clock with Instructions

A white, house-shaped clock with the words "TEMPUS NECTIT" written in faux Roman script in black on a strip of silver at the base of the "roof." a white power cord extends from the left of the enclosure, and the center of the clock is a 22 pin knitting machine wheel with one pin covered in silver metalic. A white plastic peg extends from the bottom right of the enclosure to hold the feedstock yarn.

We’re no strangers to unusual clocks here at Hackaday, and some of our favorites make time a little more tangible like [Kyle Rankin]’s knitting clock. Inspired by our coverage of …read more Continue reading Tempus Nectit, a DIY Knitting Clock with Instructions

Ethersweep: An Easy-To-Deploy Ethernet Connected Stepper Controller

[Neumi] over on Hackaday.IO wanted a simple-to-use way to drive stepper motors, which could be quickly deployed in a wide variety of applications yet to be determined. The solution is …read more Continue reading Ethersweep: An Easy-To-Deploy Ethernet Connected Stepper Controller