How do you connect a piece of code in a repo to an actual user-input point in an app?

This is conceptual I know so let me know if there’s a better place to ask this. I’m wondering how people can view a piece of code in a repo they aren’t familiar with, or simply didn’t write, and connect it to specific user-input point like… Continue reading How do you connect a piece of code in a repo to an actual user-input point in an app?

Automotive Software Safety and Security Still Needs Improvement

A recent blog post, “Automotive software defects”, from Phil Koopman, Carnegie Mellon professor and author of “Better Embedded Software”, talks about increasing number of software defects in automotive software that are significant safety hazards…. Continue reading Automotive Software Safety and Security Still Needs Improvement

GrammaTech Releases CodeSonar 6.0 with Improved Analysis, Visualization, Reporting and Unified Java Analysis

Over the years we have seen our customers “shifting left” to take advantage of building in security versus testing for security later in the lifecycle. As advanced SAST tools such as CodeSonar mature, we see that our customers are interested in th… Continue reading GrammaTech Releases CodeSonar 6.0 with Improved Analysis, Visualization, Reporting and Unified Java Analysis