how do you support sign in on android mobile applications for users who can only access the application via their institutions account

I am a student learning Android Application development
I am a newbee to SSO oAuth2 etc and Im interested to learn.
I am comfortable with signing in a user using their username/password and obtaining Access and refresh tokens.
I have also … Continue reading how do you support sign in on android mobile applications for users who can only access the application via their institutions account

Sending Client-Acquired SSO Token to My API Server to Access Firewalled Resources Under User Identity

In an SSO scenario (it’s Azure Active Directory specifically, but conceptually I’m not sure it matters), I obtain a token that then allows my application to impersonate the user to access resources – for example an Azure storage account wi… Continue reading Sending Client-Acquired SSO Token to My API Server to Access Firewalled Resources Under User Identity