how do you support sign in on android mobile applications for users who can only access the application via their institutions account

I am a student learning Android Application development
I am a newbee to SSO oAuth2 etc and Im interested to learn.
I am comfortable with signing in a user using their username/password and obtaining Access and refresh tokens.
I have also … Continue reading how do you support sign in on android mobile applications for users who can only access the application via their institutions account

how do you support sign in on android mobile applications for users who can only access the application via their institutions account

I am a student learning Android Application development
I am a newbee to SSO oAuth2 etc and Im interested to learn.
I am comfortable with signing in a user using their username/password and obtaining Access and refresh tokens.
I have also … Continue reading how do you support sign in on android mobile applications for users who can only access the application via their institutions account