X-Force Threat Intelligence Index Reveals Top Cybersecurity Risks of 2020

The findings in the 2020 X-Force Threat Intelligence Index highlight the most common attack vectors, the evolution of ransomware and malware, the risks posed by inadvertent insiders and more.

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Emotet Activity Rises as It Uses Coronavirus Scare to Infect Targets in Japan

IBM X-Force has identified a spam campaign targeting users in Japan that employs the Coronavirus scare as a lure to encourage people to open malicious emails.

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Spam Campaign Leveraged RTF Documents to Spread Infostealers

A spam campaign leveraged malicious RTF documents to distribute notorious infostealers including Agent Tesla and Lokibot. While digging through a few other spam campaigns, Lastline observed unusual use of the C# compiler from the command line in some s… Continue reading Spam Campaign Leveraged RTF Documents to Spread Infostealers

ProtonMail and StartMail blocked as Russia hunts for bomb threat spammers

ProtonMail is the second encrypted email provider in the last week to find itself blocked from its Russian users, after authorities in the country said threats had been spammed out claiming that bombs had been planted in public places.
Read more in my … Continue reading ProtonMail and StartMail blocked as Russia hunts for bomb threat spammers

ProtonMail and StartMail blocked as Russia hunts for bomb threat spammers

Protonmail is the second encrypted email provider in the last week to find itself blocked from its Russian users, after authorities in the country said bomb threats had been spammed out claiming that bombs had been planted in public places. Telecoms wa… Continue reading ProtonMail and StartMail blocked as Russia hunts for bomb threat spammers