Quantifying software quality risks in tech M&A

Tech M&A typically evaluates security and legal risks, but what about software quality risks? Poor code and architecture quality can have a lasting impact.
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The Verizon DBIR and the art of the breach

An attack path is a series of threat actions leading to a successful data breach. The Verizon 2019 DBIR (Data Breach Investigations Report) offers insights.
The post The Verizon DBIR and the art of the breach appeared first on Software Integrity Blog…. Continue reading The Verizon DBIR and the art of the breach

Want to secure your apps? Build security in with the right toolchain

Having the right application security toolchain is the most effective way to build security in, which is critical to securing modern apps against attacks. Is it worth making more than a minimal effort to avoid data breaches? The answer ought to be obvi… Continue reading Want to secure your apps? Build security in with the right toolchain

OWASP Top 10 web application security risks

The OWASP Top 10 2017 is a list of the most significant web application security risks. How are you addressing these top 10 web app vulnerabilities? The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit community of software developers,… Continue reading OWASP Top 10 web application security risks

From mainframes to connected cars: How software drives the automotive industry

The automotive industry runs on software—but with increased software use comes an increased attack surface. Making safe, reliable vehicles starts with building secure software. Dr. Gary McGraw explains the importance of secure design principles a… Continue reading From mainframes to connected cars: How software drives the automotive industry