Wearable Cone of Silence Protects You from Prying Ears

Careful,  the walls have ears. Or more specifically, the smart speaker on the table has ears, as does the phone in your pocket, the fitness band on your wrist, possibly the TV, the fridge, the toaster, and maybe even the toilet. Oh, and your car is listening to you too. …read more

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New Attack Lets Android Apps Capture Loudspeaker Data Without Any Permission

Earlier this month, The Hacker News covered a story on research revealing how over 1300 Android apps are collecting sensitive data even when users have explicitly denied the required permissions.

The research was primarily focused on how app developer… Continue reading New Attack Lets Android Apps Capture Loudspeaker Data Without Any Permission

Building A Smart Speaker From Scratch

Smart speakers have proliferated since their initial launch earlier this decade. The devices combine voice recognition and assistant functionality with a foreboding sense that paying corporations for the privilege of having your conversations eavesdropped upon could come back to bite one day. For this reason, [Yihui] is attempting to build …read more

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Win Back Some Privacy With A Cone Of Silence For Your Smart Speaker

To quote the greatest philosopher of the 20th century: “The future ain’t what it used to be.” Take personal assistants such as Amazon Echo and Google Home. When first predicted by sci-fi writers, the idea of instant access to the sum total of human knowledge with a few utterances seemed like a no-brainer; who wouldn’t want that? But now that such things are a reality, having something listening to you all the time and potentially reporting everything it hears back to some faceless corporate monolith is unnerving, to say the least.

There’s a fix for that, though, with this cone …read more

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I Am Alexa, and I Am Here to Help: Simple Tweaks to Help Reduce Risk from Voice-Controlled Devices

Over the last few years, smart devices – once a rare novelty for only the elite and early-adopters – have become a common household item, partly in thanks to Amazon’s economical Alexa-powered line of products. Despite the growing adop… Continue reading I Am Alexa, and I Am Here to Help: Simple Tweaks to Help Reduce Risk from Voice-Controlled Devices

Researchers discover vulnerabilities in smart assistants’ voice commands

Security researchers have now found new ways to exploit voice recognition weaknesses in your favorite home device: smart assistants. You may want to listen in.


Tags: amazonGoogleInternet of ThingsIoTsmart assistan… Continue reading Researchers discover vulnerabilities in smart assistants’ voice commands

Alexa, Are You Spying On Me? Not Really, Maybe, It’s Complex!

Do you own an Amazon Echo?

So are you also worried about hackers turning out your device into a covert listening device?

Just relax, if there’s no NSA, no CIA or none of your above-skilled friends after you.

Since yesterday there have been several reports on Amazon Echo hack that could allow a hacker to turn your smart speaker into a covert listening device, but users don’t need to worry

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