Watch a Sand-Cast Slingshot Made, From Start To Finish

Sand-casting metal parts is a technique that has been around for a very long time, but it can be educational to see the process from start to finish. That’s exactly what [Frederico] shows us with his sand-cast slingshot of his own design, and it’s not bad for what he says …read more

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Emotigun Sends A Stinging Message

Emojis, the graphical descendants of textual emoticons, are everywhere these days. They’re commonly used on social media platforms as a way of indicating a basic emotional response to a post. That wasn’t enough for [Tadas Maksimovas], who built the Emotigun to really get the point across.

Fundamentally, the Emotigun is …read more

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Rey’s Blaster Shoots Glow-in-the-Dark Bullets

Youtuber and rubber band enthusiast [JoergSprave] is a big fan of Star Wars, and he loved the look of the blaster that Han Solo gave to Rey. He’d seen a few replicas of Rey NN-14 gun, but hadn’t seen any that actually fired anything, so he set out to make one that did.

The build itself is from plywood, with a paint job to make it look like an old blaster. What makes the build really cool is the bullets used: glow sticks! [Joerg] created space in the magazine for three glow sticks, so you’ve got a couple of shots …read more

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Who’s Afraid of Kaspersky?

We went to Kaspersky Lab’s SAS conference, where the controversial Russian anti-virus firm showcases its best research, wines and dines competitors and journalists, and burns American espionage operations. Continue reading Who’s Afraid of Kaspersky?

Eugene Kaspersky defends publishing ‘Slingshot’ report

The founder and current CEO of Kaspersky Lab is defending the Moscow-based company after it published a research report that ultimately exposed an active U.S. cyber-espionage operation against ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists. In an interview with Australian press, Eugene Kaspersky said his company’s anti-virus engine does not discriminate based on nationality or the malware authors’ intent. Prior reporting by CyberScoop showed that the research report in question, which looked at a malware framework dubbed “Slingshot,” was in fact connected to an expansive U.S.-led counterterrorism effort. “Don’t blame our X-ray,” he told The Australian after speaking at a Formula One event in Melbourne. “It rings on any kind of gun. It doesn’t matter who’s wearing the gun, a terrorist or a policeman. We provide the world’s best X-ray … Maybe days after we find that it’s a criminal searching for money, or it’s espionage looking for information. Our X-ray is made to ring […]

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Kaspersky’s ‘Slingshot’ report burned an ISIS-focused intelligence operation

The U.S. government and Russian cybersecurity giant Kaspersky Lab are currently in the throes of a nasty legal fight that comes on top of a long-running feud over how the company has conducted itself with regard to U.S. intelligence-gathering operations. A recent Kaspersky discovery may keep the feud alive for years to come. CyberScoop has learned that Kaspersky research recently exposed an active, U.S.-led counterterrorism cyber-espionage operation. According to current and former U.S. intelligence officials, the operation was used to target ISIS and al-Qaeda members. On March 9, Kaspersky publicly announced a malware campaign dubbed “Slingshot.” According to the company’s researchers, the campaign compromised thousands of devices through breached routers in various African and Middle Eastern countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey and Yemen. Kaspersky did not attribute Slingshot to any single country or government in its public report, describing it only as an advanced persistent threat (APT). But current and […]

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Kaspersky uncovers sophisticated cyber-espionage operation across Africa and Middle East

Researchers have uncovered new malware that has apparently been used to spy on victims in the Middle East and Africa for six years undetected. A Friday report from Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab details how a threat it’s calling “Slingshot” has been infecting victims, collecting a wide variety of data and exfiltrating it in a covert fashion. The company says the threat is likely the work of a resource-rich government. “Slingshot is very complex and the developers behind it have clearly spent a great deal of time and money on its creation. Its infection vector is remarkable – and, to the best of our knowledge, unique,” the researchers write. Kaspersky says the APT has been active as far back as 2012 and was still active as of their analysis in February this year. Slingshot is apparently so sophisticated that Kaspersky has labeled it an advanced persistent threat (APT). The researchers say that Slingshot’s infection vector […]

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