Snowden documents definitely link Shadow Brokers’ leak to the NSA

Last week, Cisco and Fortinet confirmed that the exploits leaked by the Shadow Brokers and aimed at compromising their networking devices work as intended, but the origin of the leaked data remained a mystery. On Friday, The Intercept’s Sam Biddle revealed that the leaked data contains things that definitely point to the NSA as the creator of the hacking tools. “The evidence that ties the ShadowBrokers dump to the NSA comes in an agency manual … More Continue reading Snowden documents definitely link Shadow Brokers’ leak to the NSA

Cisco, Fortinet validate exploits leaked by the Shadow Brokers

Cisco and Fortinet have released security advisories confirming that some of the exploits leaked by the Shadow Brokers work as intended. The entity released the batch as proof that the rest of the data they are selling (and have allegedly stolen from the Equation Group threat actor) is worth buying. Cisco’s reaction According to Omar Santos, the Principal Engineer in the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team, the leaked data contains three references to exploits … More Continue reading Cisco, Fortinet validate exploits leaked by the Shadow Brokers

Shadow Brokers NSA Hack Leaks 0-day Vulnerabilities

Right now there’s a ton of people talking about the NSA Hack, the severity, the repercussions and the value of what has been leaked. It seems the 0-day exploits in the cache of stolen aren’t super recent ones, as it appears they are from 2013. But even so, some of them haven’t been patched as […]

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