Implications of SHA256 implementation producing false / unexpected hashes

I found that one of our programs uses an sha256 implementation, that produces different hashes for same inputs, compared to standard libraries (in this case compared to node:crypto and Web Crypto API.
The hashes are different for character… Continue reading Implications of SHA256 implementation producing false / unexpected hashes

The hash of kali-linux-2022.4-raspberry-pi-arm64.img.xz changed after burning it into an sd card

I was burning an iso file into the sd card with pi imager and I doubled checked the hash before the burning and after and I got different results
sha256sum kali-linux-2022.4-raspberry-pi-arm64.img.xz
fba37da4901558479de64fd886937e3d4653e9a… Continue reading The hash of kali-linux-2022.4-raspberry-pi-arm64.img.xz changed after burning it into an sd card