Chef CEO does an about face, says company will not renew ICE contract

After stating clearly on Friday that he would honor a $95,000 contract with ICE, CEO Barry Crist must have had a change of heart over the weekend. In a blog post, this morning he wrote that the company would not be renewing the contract with ICE after all. “After deep introspection and dialog within Chef, […] Continue reading Chef CEO does an about face, says company will not renew ICE contract

Programmer who took down open source pieces over Chef ICE contract responds

On Friday afternoon Chef CEO Barry Crist and CTO Corey Scobie sat down with TechCrunch to defend their contract with ICE after a firestorm on social media called for them to cut ties with the controversial agency. On Sunday, programmer Seth Vargo, the man who removed his open source components, which contributed to a partial […] Continue reading Programmer who took down open source pieces over Chef ICE contract responds