Session Identifier: User-specific data in signed cookie vs Randomly generated session identifier

This question is inspired by looking at the functionality of the Flask-Login extension for the Python’s Flask Framework (Web Framework).
This extension generates a session identifier using the user’s ID and storing it in Flask’s Session, a… Continue reading Session Identifier: User-specific data in signed cookie vs Randomly generated session identifier

My logged in status is being maintained 36 hours after initial login on an online account

Log in time outs can be a pain we all know. However maintaining "logged in" status whereby even if I refresh a previously open tab the next day (I hibernate my laptop each night so Chrome does not get shut down) I have full acces… Continue reading My logged in status is being maintained 36 hours after initial login on an online account

Security implications of using the current session to mint new access tokens

I saw a setup recently where frontend and resource servers were hosted on subdomains of the same second level domain. E.g. and
It had an interesting authentication flow that seemed like a variant of the refr… Continue reading Security implications of using the current session to mint new access tokens