Can the hosting provider who has access to the email server machine, access the emails?

I am planning to use a self hosted (Linux based) email server. However, the server will be on hosting providers machine. The hosting providers will have access to the physical machine. In that case, can they access the emails? If so, how c… Continue reading Can the hosting provider who has access to the email server machine, access the emails?

Should a Traditional Firewall be setup on a server that already has a Cloud Firewall setup on it?

I am setting up a webserver and learning what is needed to get fully setup and secured. One of the things that I am learning about is firewalls and what goes into setting up a secured firewall to protect my server. I am currently using a… Continue reading Should a Traditional Firewall be setup on a server that already has a Cloud Firewall setup on it?

Not self-signed certificate and not AWS private certificate authority, any guess?

Hi I need to secure the communications between my frontend and backend, to put you in context my front resides in a PHP server owned by DonDominio (hosting web) and my backend in an instance in AWS.
My public web domain is .app so I’m forc… Continue reading Not self-signed certificate and not AWS private certificate authority, any guess?

A way to provide a TLS certificate that is not self-signed or using AWS private certificate authority

I need to secure the communications between my frontend and backend. My frontend resides in a PHP server owned by DonDominio (web hosting) and my backend in an instance in AWS.
My public web domain is .app so I’m forced to use a certificat… Continue reading A way to provide a TLS certificate that is not self-signed or using AWS private certificate authority