Windows Search Bug Worth Watching, and Squashing

Patches are available—and should be applied—that address a critical vulnerability in Windows Search that some are calling the next WannaCry. Others aren’t so ready to do that. Continue reading Windows Search Bug Worth Watching, and Squashing

Windows SMB Zero Day to Be Disclosed During DEF CON

Microsoft has said it will not patch a two-decade-old Windows SMB vulnerability, called SMBloris because it behaves comparably to the Slowloris attacks. The flaw will be disclosed and demonstrated during DEF CON. Continue reading Windows SMB Zero Day to Be Disclosed During DEF CON

Rare XP Patches Fix Three Remaining Leaked NSA Exploits

Microsoft released patches on Tuesday for unsupported versions of Windows, a decision prompted by three NSA exploits that remained unaddressed from April’s ShadowBrokers leak. Continue reading Rare XP Patches Fix Three Remaining Leaked NSA Exploits

Windows 10 Mitigations Make Future EternalBlue Attacks Difficult

Now that researchers have built a port of EternalBlue to Windows 10, they’ve probably only now caught up to what the NSA has had for a long while. Continue reading Windows 10 Mitigations Make Future EternalBlue Attacks Difficult

NSA’s EternalBlue Exploit Ported to Windows 10

Researchers have ported the EternalBlue exploit to Windows 10, meaning that any unpatched version of Windows can be affected by the NSA attack. Continue reading NSA’s EternalBlue Exploit Ported to Windows 10

NSA’s DoublePulsar Kernel Exploit In Use Internet-Wide

Scans show tens of thousands of Windows servers infected with the DoublePulsar kernel exploit leaked by the ShadowBrokers two weeks ago. Continue reading NSA’s DoublePulsar Kernel Exploit In Use Internet-Wide