Security Predictions for 2018 Point to Advanced Ransomware and More IoT Threats

  With 2018 just weeks away, we can say with absolute certainty that 2017 hasn’t been a boring year in terms of security incidents. If anything, some malware outbreaks were serious enough to affect almost every country on the map, while dome… Continue reading Security Predictions for 2018 Point to Advanced Ransomware and More IoT Threats

How to Prepare to Be GDPR Compliant

On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect. This will be Europe’s biggest change to data protection law since the 1995 European Union (EU) Data…
The post How to Prepare to Be GDPR Compliant appeared first on… Continue reading How to Prepare to Be GDPR Compliant

AWS CloudFront Field Data Encryption, Protection for the Rest of Us

Superlative AWS blog post by Alex Tomic and Cameron Worrell, detailing some of the best news yet in encryption capability on Amazon Web Services – table contained field level encrytion. With prudent end-to-end cryptographically protected data objects,… Continue reading AWS CloudFront Field Data Encryption, Protection for the Rest of Us

How To Really Change User Email Behaviors (It’s Not About Education)

It’s not exactly a secret that most security awareness training programs are… less than effective.
Something about the 12-month gap between sessions, decade-old content, and total lack of user engagement seems to limit the potential fo… Continue reading How To Really Change User Email Behaviors (It’s Not About Education)

Tracking People Without GPS

Interesting research: The trick in accurately tracking a person with this method is finding out what kind of activity they’re performing. Whether they’re walking, driving a car, or riding in a train or airplane, it’s pretty easy to figure out when you … Continue reading Tracking People Without GPS