Apple Fiddles While App Store Burns: $1M Bitcoin Scam FAIL

Phillipe Christodoulou got ripped off to the tune of over a million dollars: An iPhone app stole 17.1 bitcoins.
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Ubiquiti Accused of Lying to Help Stock Price

Ubiquiti said its January breach was the fault of a “third party.” But this week, an insider says Ubiquiti lied: “It was catastrophically worse.”
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SolarWinds Hack: U.S. Govt Failure is Deeply Worrying

The U.S. government is doing a piss-poor job of protecting Americans from foreign hackers.
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Alan Turing, WWII Cryptanalyst and Computer Pioneer, on New £50 Note

The new 50 Pound note honors Alan Turing. Breaker of Nazi encryption and father of computing.
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Chrome to Enforce HTTPS Web Protocol (Like It or Not)

What a difference an ‘s’ makes. This seemingly unimportant change could have a big—if unseen—impact.
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Biden ‘Will Cyberattack Putin’ (Because SolarWinds)

President Joe Biden has authorized “devastating” retaliation against the Russian government for the recent hacking attributed to Russia.
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Dirt Cheap DDoS for Hire, via D/TLS Amplification

Here’s a new way of sending powerful denial of service traffic: misusing servers that talk Datagram Transport Layer Security (D/TLS).
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Hacker Site Hacked: WeLeakInfo Leaks Info

A hacker is selling a database of personal information: Nothing unusual there. But these 24,000 records are the identifiable info of other hackers.
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150,000 Verkada Cams Hacked, but it Gets Worse

Countless employees and interns routinely had access to Verkada customers’ video feeds
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Huge Fallout from Microsoft Incompetence: Let’s Exchange Exchange

Countless organizations using Microsoft Exchange are scrambling to undo the damage caused by hackers. And it’s all Microsoft’s fault.
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