Colonial Pipeline FAIL: Ransomware Gang Threatens Gas Supplies

The Colonial Pipeline is critical infrastructure—of that there’s no doubt. But ransomware scrotes have crippled it.
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Very Many Qualcomm Phone Chips Hiding Very Nasty Vulnerability

A high-severity bug affects almost 40% of Android phones. The security hole is in Qualcomm modems.
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Specter of Spectre is Back, in New Micro-Op Cache Vuln

It’s been three years, but now researchers have disclosed new attacks on speculative execution in Intel and AMD chips.
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U.S. DoD has World’s Largest Honeypot: 6% of Internet Space

175 million IP addresses owned by the U.S. Defense Department have “appeared” on the public internet.
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China Silently Hacked Gov’t and Defense for a Year or More

After SolarWinds and the Exchange débâcle, here’s the third shoe to drop.
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Wait, What? Nvidia/ARM Sale on Hold—for Security Reasons

The government of the United Kingdom is investigating the proposed “merger” of ARM and Nvidia, on national security grounds.
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U.S. Fingers Putin’s Cozy Bear for SolarWinds Attacks

To the surprise of precisely nobody, the NSA, FBI and CISA agreed that last year’s SolarWinds supply-chain attack was orchestrated by the Russian state.
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YT$AW: FBI Cleans Up Exchange Servers, NSA Tips Microsoft 4 More Bugs

Your tax dollars at work: The FBI and NSA have been helping fix the mess caused by Microsoft Exchange hacking.
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Son of Stuxnet? Iran Nuke Site Hacked ‘by Israel’ (Again)

Iran’s Nantaz nuclear centrifuge facility went dark yesterday. Sources say it was an Israeli cyberattack—another one. But something doesn’t add up.
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Facebook Sucks: Huge 500M-User Breach ‘Is Your Fault’

Last week’s revelation of a half-billion-user leak is still reverberating around the news cycle. It’s like car-crash TV.
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