Cyber measures gain momentum at federal agencies

Last year’s White House Executive Order on Cybersecurity has had a catalytic effect in focusing increased attention on holistic cybersecurity practices, according to a new survey of federal IT officials. Half of agency IT and security officials polled in the survey described the executive order as “greatly needed” — and another 30% called it “game-changing” — in getting agency leaders to commit resources toward critical cybersecurity projects. Three-quarters of survey respondents reported that their fiscal 2022 IT security budgets had been increased to meet White House requirements, and 44% said that those budgets had increased by more than 10%. The study, conducted by FedScoop and CyberScoop and underwritten by Lookout, also found that 3 in 4 federal IT executives surveyed reported that their agency had developed 75% or more of the IT and cybersecurity strategies required of them by the executive order. The findings are based on the completed responses […]

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The state of SD-WAN and SASE planning

Aryaka published a report, revealing insights into global SD-WAN and SASE planning. 1,600 information technology (IT) enterprise decision makers across global enterprises answered the survey. Key trends A quarter of the respondents state they have clos… Continue reading The state of SD-WAN and SASE planning

Top practices to improve enterprise security

Cisco released its latest cybersecurity report, surveying more than 5,100 security and privacy professionals across 27 markets to determine the most impactful measures teams can take to defend their organizations against the evolving threat landscape. … Continue reading Top practices to improve enterprise security

SASE emerges as the edge becomes an enterprise focal point

Network attacks continue to proliferate, especially sophisticated probing of user domain registries, ransomware attacks, and malware injections via trojans. To further challenge IT, network traffic is far more distributed than in the past: Enterprise a… Continue reading SASE emerges as the edge becomes an enterprise focal point

How do I select a SASE solution for my business?

Many organizations have turned to SASE adoption as a result of the pandemic, seeing it as a a security-first initiative, a recent survey has revealed. But while it can be a lenghty process, it has a lot of benefits. To select a suitable SASE solution f… Continue reading How do I select a SASE solution for my business?

What Is SASE and How Does it Connect to Zero Trust?

As many workplaces stay in a remote or a hybrid operating model due to COVID-19, businesses and agencies of all sizes and industries face the long-term challenges of keeping data and infrastructure secure. With remote workers, security teams have to secure many more endpoints and a much wider area each day. In response, many groups […]

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Houdini malware returns, enterprise risk assessment compromised by Amazon Sidewalk

Cato Networks announced the results of its analysis of 263 billion enterprise network flows between April and June 2021. Researchers showed a novel use of Houdini malware to promote the spoofing of a device. The report also documents how Amazon Sidewal… Continue reading Houdini malware returns, enterprise risk assessment compromised by Amazon Sidewalk

SASE market size to reach $11.29 billion by 2028

The global secure access service edge (SASE) market size is expected to reach $11.29 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of 36.4%, a ResearchAndMarkets report reveals. The existing networking technologies are complex and difficult to manage but easy fo… Continue reading SASE market size to reach $11.29 billion by 2028