Understanding Cross-Domain Cookies and `SameSite` Attributes with Express.js and Third-Party Tracking

What I have understood (I guess):

Cross-origin Cookies:
Cookies set with Domain="example.com" are not sent with fetch requests from origins like hello.example2.com to mywebsite.example.com because they are different domains. How… Continue reading Understanding Cross-Domain Cookies and `SameSite` Attributes with Express.js and Third-Party Tracking

Is using two cookies one Lax and one Strict a way to improve usability without compromising security?

My understanding is that

Strict is the best as, admitting you have a recent browser, it completely replaces the need for CSRF Token.
Strict is however a big hit on usability as things like SSO or just having a link in email to go to a log… Continue reading Is using two cookies one Lax and one Strict a way to improve usability without compromising security?

Why is the browser not sending cookies with cross-domain WebSocket handshake request?

If I have understood Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking (CSWSH) attack correctly [1][2][3][4], the attack relies on two things (examples are from the first reference):

the browser sending the cookies set by the victim domain (www.some-trading… Continue reading Why is the browser not sending cookies with cross-domain WebSocket handshake request?

Is it dangerous to expose a front-channel logout endpoint that does not require authentication?

I have several apps connected to a single Identity Provider, which allows a Single SignOn experience for our users, and requires also a Single LogOut one.
For the logout, any app will start the logout request, calling the Identity Provider… Continue reading Is it dangerous to expose a front-channel logout endpoint that does not require authentication?

How to display first party website to third party website | inside the Iframe

I have www.example.com a WordPress website and www.official.com this third-party website, I want to invoke <iframe src="www.example.com"></iframe> in www.official.com
Here my website is running but cookies blocking
Ho… Continue reading How to display first party website to third party website | inside the Iframe