Russian hackers targeted Obama’s aides as early as 2007, and attempts continue, report says

Russia’s preeminent cyber-espionage group, known as APT28 or Fancy Bear, heavily targeted Barack Obama’s staff during the 2008 campaign, according to newly published research by U.S.-based cybersecurity firm Area 1 Security. The former president’s closest allies — including campaign staff, top aides and other senior U.S. officials — began receiving a barrage of phishing emails from Russian spies as far back as 2007, when he was still a U.S. senator. Some Obama associates continue to be targeted, Area 1 said. Ex-officials are still being sent phishing emails even though they left government years ago, a trend that shows the attackers’ persistence in trying to compromise assets. A blog post published Friday afternoon by Area 1 shows that associated phishing emails commonly employed subject lines like “just FYI,” “RFI,” “eFax,” or “Elections.” Several corresponding attachments were titled as “harvard-iop-fall-2016-poll[.]doc” and “37486-the-shocking-truth-about-election-rigging-in-america[.]rtf[.]lnk.” The evidence uncovered by Area 1, a firm founded by National Security Agency veterans, offers […]

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Macron leaks contained phishing links to domains associated with APT28, researchers say

The hacked emails leaked last week from the campaign of French President-elect Emmanuel Macron contain phishing links pointing to domains associated with Fancy Bear, the hacking group also known as APT28 that has been linked to Russian intelligence agencies, according to the cybersecurity firm Flashpoint. “Flashpoint’s hypothesis [is] that the Macron leak was undertaken by Fancy Bear based on the contents of the dump itself, as well as the current and historic political environment in which this attack took place,” said Vitali Kremez, research director for Flashpoint. The same group was blamed for hacking Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee in 2016, and researchers have recently linked other high-profile phishing attempts to the group. “These domains were likely registered and deployed in the phishing emails in order to harvest the login credentials of Macron campaign personnel,” Kremez said. “These credentials could have provided hackers with the information needed to obtain the documents in the […]

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Russia-linked hackers impersonate NATO in attempt to hack Romanian government

An elite hacking group linked to the Russian government masqueraded as a NATO representative to send a barrage of phishing emails to diplomatic organizations in Europe, including Romania’s Foreign Ministry of Affairs, documents show. CyberScoop obtained a copy of one such phishing email that researchers have attributed to the hacking group, which is known as APT28 or Fancy Bear. The email, which carries a booby-trapped attachment that leverages two recently disclosed Microsoft Word vulnerabilities, shows that the government-backed hacking group effectively spoofed a NATO email address to make the message appear authentic. The hq.nato.intl domain is currently used by NATO employees. The file has already been submitted to Virus Total, a publicly maintained library of computer viruses. Typically files don’t appear on the site unless they have been found in the wild. An analyst from cybersecurity firm FireEye confirmed the phishing email pictured above is in fact authentic and related to APT28 activity. […]

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Russia is ‘ready to discuss’ election hacking and cybercrime with U.S.

The Russian government is open to discussions with the United States on a wide range of cybersecurity issues including election hacking and cybercrime, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told the daily Russian political newspaper Kommersant. Even the question of election hacking “is not a taboo for us, although it had been made extremely tense by the efforts of the Obama team,” Ryabkov said Wednesday. “We are ready to discuss with the Americans the whole range of these questions.” Attempts at dialogues with the Obama administration were met with silence, he said. Having renewed those attempts now with the Trump administration, Ryabkov “expects the response will be more positive.” “Classical” cybercrime including bank fraud and intellectual property theft is also on the table for discussions and possible cooperation, the foreign minister said. The prospect of greater Russian government cooperation with the West on issues of cybercrime looms large because the Russian-speaking sphere is a widely seen as […]

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Russian bank threatens researcher with CFAA suit over DNS request data

A Russian bank under investigation for possible ties to the Trump Organization has threatened at least one security researcher with a lawsuit over the dissemination of data that point to a server connection between the bank and the company.   In a document obtained by CyberScoop, Alfa Bank sent Indiana University computer researcher L. Jean Camp a notice that it’s pursuing “all available options” after Camp’s research suggested the bank engaged in some form of communication with the Trump Organization. Washington-based law firm Kirkland & Ellis sent the letter on the bank’s behalf on March 17. Among the options listed is litigation under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act’s civil action provision, which allows companies to sue for damages in the event of unauthorized computer access. Foreign entities can bring cases to U.S. federal courts under a CFAA provision that allows private causes of action. Camp’s research has pointed to Alfa Bank’s servers making […]

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Russian bank threatens researcher with CFAA suit over DNS request data

A Russian bank under investigation for possible ties to the Trump Organization has threatened at least one security researcher with a lawsuit over the dissemination of data that point to a server connection between the bank and the company.   In a document obtained by CyberScoop, Alfa Bank sent Indiana University computer researcher L. Jean Camp a notice that it’s pursuing “all available options” after Camp’s research suggested the bank engaged in some form of communication with the Trump Organization. Washington-based law firm Kirkland & Ellis sent the letter on the bank’s behalf on March 17. Among the options listed is litigation under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act’s civil action provision, which allows companies to sue for damages in the event of unauthorized computer access. Foreign entities can bring cases to U.S. federal courts under a CFAA provision that allows private causes of action. Camp’s research has pointed to Alfa Bank’s servers making […]

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Election-systems cybersecurity would take a hit under new House bill, experts say

Legislation recently introduced in the House that seeks to terminate the Election Assistance Commission, or EAC, would hamper coordination efforts between state and federal officials at a time when cybersecurity concerns are top of mind, experts tell CyberScoop. The bill, H.R. 634, would effectively gut what is considered to be one of the only organized bodies […]

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Election-systems cybersecurity would take a hit under new House bill, experts say

Legislation recently introduced in the House that seeks to terminate the Election Assistance Commission, or EAC, would hamper coordination efforts between state and federal officials at a time when cybersecurity concerns are top of mind, experts tell CyberScoop. The bill, H.R. 634, would effectively gut what is considered to be one of the only organized bodies […]

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