Gazer: A New Backdoor Targets Ministries and Embassies Worldwide

Security researchers at ESET have discovered a new malware campaign targeting consulates, ministries and embassies worldwide to spy on governments and diplomats.

Active since 2016, the malware campaign is leveraging a new backdoor, dubbed Gazer, and i… Continue reading Gazer: A New Backdoor Targets Ministries and Embassies Worldwide

How Microsoft Cleverly Cracks Down On “Fancy Bear” Hacking Group

What could be the best way to take over and disrupt cyber espionage campaigns?

Hacking them back?

Probably not. At least not when it’s Microsoft, who is continuously trying to protect its users from hackers, cyber criminals and state-sponsored groups… Continue reading How Microsoft Cleverly Cracks Down On “Fancy Bear” Hacking Group