How does a hacker get access to the root user when disabling the sandbox in puppeteer, and what does it look like?

You’ll see stuff like the first comment here that adding the –no-sandbox flag when launching puppeteer "is a giant security hole" (upvoted many times). Puppeteer troubleshooting docs say "running without a sandbox is strong… Continue reading How does a hacker get access to the root user when disabling the sandbox in puppeteer, and what does it look like?

How does a hacker get access to the root user when disabling the sandbox in puppeteer, and what does it look like?

You’ll see stuff like the first comment here that adding the –no-sandbox flag when launching puppeteer "is a giant security hole" (upvoted many times). Puppeteer troubleshooting docs say "running without a sandbox is strong… Continue reading How does a hacker get access to the root user when disabling the sandbox in puppeteer, and what does it look like?

Is it common practice that vendors put own root certificates on customer devices?

At work, we are deploying a new VoIP solution, and as part of that, we are supposed to install a custom root certificate on our computers and mobile devices. The manufacturer of that VoIP solution has the private key to that. The certif… Continue reading Is it common practice that vendors put own root certificates on customer devices?