Robotic beehive provides vital life support to chilly honeybees

While honeybees are famously difficult to study, altering natural behaviors if any outside influences are sensed, they’re also incredibly susceptible to colony collapse due to the cold. If hive temperatures drop below 50 °F (10 °C), the bees cease buzz… Continue reading Robotic beehive provides vital life support to chilly honeybees

New graphene sensors make for better brain-machine interface

The development of a cutting-edge graphene sensor has led to the creation of an interface that is able to accurately control a robot using thought alone. The development has positive implications not only for healthcare but for a range of other industr… Continue reading New graphene sensors make for better brain-machine interface

Musk expects Tesla Bot to be a much bigger business than its cars

An uncharacteristically subdued Elon Musk presented some short video on the Optimus prototype, noting that as recently as October last year, it had to be rolled out on stage to wave like a politician.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, TechnologyTags: … Continue reading Musk expects Tesla Bot to be a much bigger business than its cars

AIs as Computer Hackers

Hacker “Capture the Flag” has been a mainstay at hacker gatherings since the mid-1990s. It’s like the outdoor game, but played on computer networks. Teams of hackers defend their own computers while attacking other teams’. It’s a controlled setting for what computer hackers do in real life: finding and fixing vulnerabilities in their own systems and exploiting them in others’. It’s the software vulnerability lifecycle.

These days, dozens of teams from around the world compete in weekend-long marathon events held all over the world. People train for months. Winning is a big deal. If you’re into this sort of thing, it’s pretty much the most fun you can possibly have on the Internet without committing multiple felonies…

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Tiny Robots That Bring Targeted Drug Delivery and Treatment a Little Bit Closer

Within the world of medical science fiction they are found everywhere: tiny robots that can zip through blood vessels and intestines, where they can deliver medication, diagnose medical conditions and …read more Continue reading Tiny Robots That Bring Targeted Drug Delivery and Treatment a Little Bit Closer

How Intel’s bleeding-edge Loihi 2 chips help robots perceive the world

Computers destroy humans at chess, but there’s not a robot in the world you could send into an unfamiliar house and tell it to feed the dog; the general intelligence and adaptability of the human brain remain unrivalled. Intel’s research-grade Loihi 2 … Continue reading How Intel’s bleeding-edge Loihi 2 chips help robots perceive the world