Hackaday Prize 2022: House Ventilation Reverse-Engineered And Automated

the dongle developed by Marcel, with a USB-A plug on one end and an SMD antenna on the other

[Marcel] thought – what if he had more control over his house ventilation system? You could add some nifty features, such as automatically ventilating your house in the mornings when …read more Continue reading Hackaday Prize 2022: House Ventilation Reverse-Engineered And Automated

The Justice Department Will No Longer Charge Security Researchers with Criminal Hacking

Following a recent Supreme Court ruling, the Justice Department will no longer prosecute “good faith” security researchers with cybercrimes:

The policy for the first time directs that good-faith security research should not be charged. Good faith security research means accessing a computer solely for purposes of good-faith testing, investigation, and/or correction of a security flaw or vulnerability, where such activity is carried out in a manner designed to avoid any harm to individuals or the public, and where the information derived from the activity is used primarily to promote the security or safety of the class of devices, machines, or online services to which the accessed computer belongs, or those who use such devices, machines, or online services…

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Exporting Data from Old Gear Through LCD Sniffing

Photo of the spectrophotometer in question, with a screenshot of the decoding software on the right

[Jure Spiler] was at a flea market and got himself a spectrophotometer — a device that measures absorbance and transmittance of light at different wavelengths. This particular model seems to …read more Continue reading Exporting Data from Old Gear Through LCD Sniffing

Dumping Encrypted-At-Rest Firmware Of Xiaomi Smart Kettle

The microcontroller described in the article, on the PCB taken out of the kettle

[aleaksah] got himself a Mi Smart Kettle Pro, a kettle with Bluetooth connectivity, and a smartphone app to go with it. Despite all the smarts, it couldn’t be turned on …read more Continue reading Dumping Encrypted-At-Rest Firmware Of Xiaomi Smart Kettle