Ransomware attacks decrease, operators started rebranding

Positive Technologies experts have analyzed the Q3 2021 cybersecurity threatscape and found a decrease in the number of unique cyberattacks. However, there’s been an increase in the share of attacks against individuals, and also a rise in attacks invol… Continue reading Ransomware attacks decrease, operators started rebranding

It’s Not Too Soon to Start Talking About 6G

We may be only a short time into 5G deployments, but discussions of the impact 6G technology will have on our lives have already started. In late 2020, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions created a new group called the Next G Alliance to “advance North American mobile technology leadership over the next decade through […]

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How Log4j Vulnerability Could Impact You

If you hadn’t heard of Apache Log4j, chances are it’s on your radar now. In fact, you may have been using it for years. Log4j is a logging library. Imagine writing your daily activities into a notebook. That notebook is Log4j. Developers and programmers use it to take notes about what’s happening on applications and […]

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IAM OT Security Risks Call for Strategic Defenses

Today’s technology requires today’s identity and access management (IAM). In the past, operational technology (OT) systems were physically and logically separated from a company’s enterprise corporate business environment and the external world. That served as a control to protect them from common cyberattacks. Starting in the 1970s, serial-based analog processes controlled, managed and monitored these […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Installing OpenSSH on Windows

As a seasoned, or even new IT Pro, you’re likely an avid user of Putty, using secure shell (SSH) to connect to Unix/Linux servers, computers, and even Windows machines for an efficient and secure remote command-line experience. Well, did you know Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server 2019 (and Windows Server 2022) include an […] Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Installing OpenSSH on Windows

Remote access security strategy under scrutiny as hybrid/remote working persists

A report by Menlo Security highlights growing concerns about securing users as the trend for hybrid and remote working is set to remain. The new report – which surveyed 500+ IT decision makers in the U.S. and the U.K., including a third at C-level – lo… Continue reading Remote access security strategy under scrutiny as hybrid/remote working persists

Endpoint Management 1-Day Virtual Conference Now Available On Demand

Petri’s Endpoint Management 1-day virtual conference is now available to view on demand. At the end of last month, Petri hosted a full free day of learning, covering topics like how to manage devices using Microsoft Intune, how to deploy new hardware with Windows Autopilot, and managing security updates with Windows Update. The management of […] Continue reading Endpoint Management 1-Day Virtual Conference Now Available On Demand

Corporate attack surface exploding as a result of remote work

74% of organizations attribute recent business-impacting cyberattacks to vulnerabilities in technology put in place during the pandemic. The data is drawn from a study of more than 1,300 security leaders, business executives and remote employees conduc… Continue reading Corporate attack surface exploding as a result of remote work

Modern security strategies key to support remote workforce demands

COVID-19 quickly ushered in the era of remote work, introducing new risks that IT professionals are struggling to manage with existing security tools, according to a Thales study. Six in 10 respondents said traditional security tools such as VPNs are s… Continue reading Modern security strategies key to support remote workforce demands

What Does The Great Resignation Mean for Data Security?

You may not realize it yet, but we’re living through the latest zeitgeist. It’s the Great Resignation. You may have heard it being tossed around the media or witnessed it firsthand, or even been a part yourself. Either way, it’s happening across the United States. And it affects data security as much as it affects […]

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