Is the following set of steps, secure enough, during register and login on my webapp?


Both text boxes of the user inputted password are compared, if they match:
Add the user’s email to the [users] table in the database, to have a user ID to later record everything against.
Create salt. Anything ran… Continue reading Is the following set of steps, secure enough, during register and login on my webapp?

Activating a user on a website — why include anything other than an activation code?

Quite often in order to active my account on a website I’ll receive an email with this:

Why user id, login, mid or other additio… Continue reading Activating a user on a website — why include anything other than an activation code?

Is username and password needed to register and authenticate user in zero knowledge guillou quisquater?

I want to make guillou quisquater authentication for a website with Laravel (PHP). The authentication is between server and client(user). In the references i’ve read (here and here) the registration scheme is:

The server se… Continue reading Is username and password needed to register and authenticate user in zero knowledge guillou quisquater?