how to send cookies or token in local storage to a remote server using reflected XSS

I have an XSS vulnerability identified by <script>alert(1);</script> in the url.
So when I put it in the url it gets executed (ex:<script>alert(1);</script> ).
I also tried after loggin in, an… Continue reading how to send cookies or token in local storage to a remote server using reflected XSS

With Response header having content-type: application/json, is it still possible to trigger XSS?

The application is responding using the user supplied request but the content type is set as application/json. Is it possible to trigger still XSS?
This is a language neutral question, it can be Java,PHP,ASP,Node,Python, etc.
The X-Content… Continue reading With Response header having content-type: application/json, is it still possible to trigger XSS?