Bust Out That Old Analog Scope For Some Velociraster Fun!

[Oli Wright] is back again with another installation of CRT shenanigans. This time, the target is the humble analog oscilloscope, specifically a Farnell DTV12-14 12 MHz dual-channel unit, which features …read more Continue reading Bust Out That Old Analog Scope For Some Velociraster Fun!

Parallel Computing on the PicoCray RP2040 Cluster

PicoCray - Raspberry Pi Pico Cluster

[ExtremeElectronics] cleverly demonstrates that if one Raspberry Pi Pico is good, then nine must be awesome.  The PicoCray project connects multiple Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller modules into a parallel architecture …read more Continue reading Parallel Computing on the PicoCray RP2040 Cluster