Mastercard’s New Card: Safer From Quantum Attacks?

Quantum computers present a unique threat to many aspects of modern information technology. In particular, many cryptographic systems could be at risk of compromise in the event a malicious actor …read more Continue reading Mastercard’s New Card: Safer From Quantum Attacks?

36C3: Build Your Own Quantum Computer At Home

In any normal situation, if you’d read an article that about building your own quantum computer, a fully understandable and natural reaction would be to call it clickbaity poppycock. But an event like the Chaos Communication Congress is anything but a normal situation, and you never know who will show …read more

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Wired and IBM Explain Quantum Computing to Students from Grade School to Grad School

Have you ever heard the old axiom that if you want to design a simple system, ask yourself if your grandmother could use it? Maybe that was on Wired’s mind because they asked a quantum computing expert — particularly IBM’s [Dr. Talia Gershon] — to explain what exactly quantum computing is at 5 levels. In the video they shot, which you can see below, [Dr. Gershon] talks to a younger child, a teenager, an undergraduate computer science student, a graduate student, and then a physicist.

We enjoyed some of the analogies of spinning pennies and the way she was able …read more

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Chinese Quantum Satellite Sends First ‘Unhackable’ Data to Earth

In what appears to be the world’s first quantum satellite transmission, China has successfully sent an “unbreakable” code over a long distance from an orbiting satellite to the Earth, achieving a milestone in the next generation encryption based on “quantum cryptography.”

In August last year, China launched the world’s first quantum communication satellite into the Earth’s orbit aboard a Long

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NIST Calls Development of Quantum-Proof Encryption Algorithms

Quantum Computers – Boon or Bane?

Quantum computers can perform operations much more quickly and efficiently even with the use of less energy than conventional computers, but that’s bad news for encryption — a process which scrambles data according to a massively complex mathematical code.

In theory, quantum computers can break almost all the existing encryption algorithms used on the

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