I’m not sure if my python deauth attack isn’t working properly or if I can’t capture deauthentication packages with wireshark? [closed]

I’ve been testing trying to deauthenticate my kindle from own wifi network. I created the following python script using scapy:
from scapy.all import(

from argparse import Argum… Continue reading I’m not sure if my python deauth attack isn’t working properly or if I can’t capture deauthentication packages with wireshark? [closed]

TIOBE Index News (February 2024): Programming Language Go Reaches a New High at Number Eight

Carbon, an experimental programming language, entered TIOBE’s top 100 ranking in February. Continue reading TIOBE Index News (February 2024): Programming Language Go Reaches a New High at Number Eight

Python: I am am having issues plotting graphs in notebook even after using matplotlib…What am i not doing right? [migrated]

I am new to cybersecurity. Doing a virtual internship on forage and I have been having issues in completing some of the questions. I will try to list them one after the other.
I used import pandas as pd and import matplotlib.pyplot as plt … Continue reading Python: I am am having issues plotting graphs in notebook even after using matplotlib…What am i not doing right? [migrated]

Python: I am am having issues plotting graphs in notebook even after using matplotlib…What am i not doing right? [migrated]

I am new to cybersecurity. Doing a virtual internship on forage and I have been having issues in completing some of the questions. I will try to list them one after the other.
I used import pandas as pd and import matplotlib.pyplot as plt … Continue reading Python: I am am having issues plotting graphs in notebook even after using matplotlib…What am i not doing right? [migrated]

Crypto Stealing PyPI Malware Hits Both Windows and Linux Users

By Deeba Ahmed
FortiGuard Labs’ latest research report reveals a concerning trend: threat actors are leveraging the Python Package Index (PyPI),…
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Crypto Stealing PyPI Malware Hits Bot… Continue reading Crypto Stealing PyPI Malware Hits Both Windows and Linux Users