Prototype Pollution – Is this effective only for the Global objects?

I recently found a prototype pollution vulnerability in an open-source project.
The code was something like this:
var a = {}
var b = JSON.parse(‘some_user_input_where_payload_can_be_sent’)
// consider b = JSON.parse(‘{"__proto__"… Continue reading Prototype Pollution – Is this effective only for the Global objects?

Escalating prototype pollution vulnerability in an application

I recently found a prototype pollution vulnerability in an application using nodejs and am trying to write an exploit for the same.
I did a simple exploit by using the usual isAdmin flag which is mentioned in a lot of blogs/writeups, etc a… Continue reading Escalating prototype pollution vulnerability in an application

Prototype pollution in server instances exploit – what is the correct approach?

I am trying to perform prototype pollution exploit for a project to demonstrate the vulnerability to the owner.
So I am trying to pollute the toString() function from the user inputs.
The user input has two fields mode of contact and conta… Continue reading Prototype pollution in server instances exploit – what is the correct approach?

Is checking to see if any parameters contain "__proto___" an effective way to mitigate Prototype Pollution vulnerability?

let key = keys[j] === ” ? (currentParams as any).length : keys[j];
if (key === ‘__proto__’) {
throw new Error(‘Prototype pollution detected.’);

It at least defeats basic url-encoding, but I am unsure if it is robust e… Continue reading Is checking to see if any parameters contain "__proto___" an effective way to mitigate Prototype Pollution vulnerability?

Does CSP mitigate against client prototype pollution XSS and DOM XSS?

DOM XSS and client prototype pollution-based XSS have one thing in common, we are modifying the pre-existing JavaScript code to popup an alert(1). Will CSP mitigate XSS in this case? Theoretically, JavaScript is already there and we aren’t… Continue reading Does CSP mitigate against client prototype pollution XSS and DOM XSS?