Billionaire Trump Funder Also Paid for Milo Yiannopoulos’ College Speaking Tour

University of Washington records confirm Yiannopoulos’ speaking fee as zero dollars, and entirely self-financed. Continue reading Billionaire Trump Funder Also Paid for Milo Yiannopoulos’ College Speaking Tour

Let’s Remember Exxon’s Extremely Fucked Up Response to Its Catastrophic Oil Spill

After the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Exxon launched a ruthless crusade to intimidate and discredit government scientists. Continue reading Let’s Remember Exxon’s Extremely Fucked Up Response to Its Catastrophic Oil Spill

New Sign at EPA Headquarters Quietly Reminds Staff of Their Whistleblower Rights

A new sign inside the EPA building seems to imply the agency’s communications ban has violated a federal whistleblower statute. Continue reading New Sign at EPA Headquarters Quietly Reminds Staff of Their Whistleblower Rights

New Sign at EPA Headquarters Quietly Reminds Staff of Their Whistleblower Rights

A new sign inside the EPA building seems to imply the agency’s communications ban has violated a federal whistleblower statute. Continue reading New Sign at EPA Headquarters Quietly Reminds Staff of Their Whistleblower Rights