Researchers Use Machine Learning, Cybersecurity Practices to Secure US Power Grid

In 2015, Russian hackers shut down Ukraine’s electrical grid after infecting the infrastructure with malware. It was only a matter of time until they would target the US power system. As of 2016, US critical operational infrastructures have … Continue reading Researchers Use Machine Learning, Cybersecurity Practices to Secure US Power Grid

Europe Loses Six Minutes Due to Sagging Frequency and International Politics

You might be reading this six minutes early. Assuming that the Hackaday editors have done their job, this article should have appeared in your feed right on the half-hour. We have a set schedule to keep you supplied with the tastiest of hardware hacks and news. For some of you though perhaps there has been a treat, you’ve seen it and all the other stories six minutes early.

Have you perfected time travel? Sadly not unless there’s something you’d like to send to our tips line last week, but the culprit is equally fascinating. A dispute between Serbia and Kosovo …read more

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That Decentralised Low Voltage Local DC Power Grid, How Did It Do?

Early on in the year, Hackaday published one of its short daily pieces about plans from the people behind for a low voltage DC power grid slated for the summer’s SHACamp 2017 hacker camp in the Netherlands. At the time when it was being written in the chill of a Northern Hemisphere January the event seemed so far away, but as the summer fades away along with the deep tan many SHACamp attendees gained in the Dutch sunlight it’s worth going back and revisiting the project. Did they manage it, and how did they do? This isn’t really part …read more

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Dragonfly 2.0: Hacking Group Infiltrated European and US Power Facilities

The notorious hacking group that has been in operation since at least 2011 has re-emerged and is still interested in targeting the United States and European companies in the energy sector.

Yes, I am talking about the ‘Dragonfly,’ a well-resourced, Ea… Continue reading Dragonfly 2.0: Hacking Group Infiltrated European and US Power Facilities

Attack on Ireland’s state-owned power provider blamed on state-sponsored hackers

EirGrid, which provides electricity to homes and businesses across Ireland and Northern Ireland, reportedly suffered a security breach earlier this year at the hands of state-sponsored hackers.
Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.
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Critical Flaws Found in Solar Panels Could Shut Down Power Grids

A Dutch security researcher has uncovered a slew of security vulnerabilities in an essential component of solar panels which could be exploited to cause widespread outages in European power grids.

Willem Westerhof, a cybersecurity researcher at Dutch security firm ITsec, discovered 21 security vulnerabilities in the Internet-connected inverters – an essential component of solar panel that

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Earth Ground And The Grid

The electrical grid transmits power over wires to our houses, and our Bryan Cockfield has covered it very well in his Electrical Grid Demystified series, but what part does the earth ground play? It’s commonly known to be used for safety, but did you know that in some cases it’s also used for power transmission?

Typical House Grounding System

A pretty typical diagram for the grounding system for a house is shown here, along with a few of the current carrying conductors commonly called live and neutral. On the far left is the transformer outside the house and on the …read more

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Dangerous Malware Discovered that Can Take Down Electric Power Grids

Last December, a cyber attack on Ukrainian Electric power grid caused the power outage in the northern part of Kiev — the country’s capital — and surrounding areas, causing a blackout for tens of thousands of citizens for an hour and fifteen minutes around midnight.

Now, security researchers have discovered the culprit behind those cyber attacks on the Ukrainian industrial control systems.

Continue reading Dangerous Malware Discovered that Can Take Down Electric Power Grids