Google Releases Security Key Implementation Resilient to Quantum Attacks

Google has released the first quantum-resilient FIDO2 security key implementation as part of its OpenSK project.
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IBM Delivers Roadmap for Transition to Quantum-safe Cryptography

IBM’s Quantum Safe Roadmap was designed to help federal agencies and business meet the requirements and the deadlines for quantum safe cryptography.
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QuSecure and Accenture Test Multi-Orbit Communications Link Using Post-Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cybersecurity firm QuSecure has collaborated with Accenture to develop a multi-orbit quantum-resilient satellite communications capability. 
The post QuSecure and Accenture Test Multi-Orbit Communications Link Using Post-Quantum Cryptography ap… Continue reading QuSecure and Accenture Test Multi-Orbit Communications Link Using Post-Quantum Cryptography

AI Helps Crack NIST-Recommended Post-Quantum Encryption Algorithm

The CRYSTALS-Kyber public-key encryption and key encapsulation mechanism recommended by NIST for post-quantum cryptography has been broken using AI combined with side channel attacks.
The post AI Helps Crack NIST-Recommended Post-Quantum Encryption Alg… Continue reading AI Helps Crack NIST-Recommended Post-Quantum Encryption Algorithm

Cyber Insights 2023: Quantum Computing and the Coming Cryptopocalypse

The cryptopocalypse is the point at which quantum computing becomes powerful enough to use Shor’s algorithm to crack PKI encryption.

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Mastercard’s New Card: Safer From Quantum Attacks?

Quantum computers present a unique threat to many aspects of modern information technology. In particular, many cryptographic systems could be at risk of compromise in the event a malicious actor …read more Continue reading Mastercard’s New Card: Safer From Quantum Attacks?

Soon, Quantum Computing Could Break Your Encryption

Quantum computing could break your encryption. It could happen within a couple of years, or it may be a decade or two away. Still, certainly, in the relatively near future, quantum computing will render traditional cryptography obsolete. It’s a … Continue reading Soon, Quantum Computing Could Break Your Encryption

Post Quantum Cryptography: Data Security in a Post-Quantum World

Just because quantum computing is a few years away doesn’t mean that you should avoid thinking about how to deal with this emerging threat now with quantum resistant algorithms Every…
The post Post Quantum Cryptography: Data Security in a Post… Continue reading Post Quantum Cryptography: Data Security in a Post-Quantum World

Quantum Computing Is Coming: Are You Cyber Ready?

We’ve been hearing about the vast potential of quantum computing for years. With its exponentially superior processing power, this game-changing technology is expected to dramatically transform fields such as medical sciences, machine learning, partic… Continue reading Quantum Computing Is Coming: Are You Cyber Ready?