Sonatype Partners with All Day DevOps to Deliver the Largest DevOps Conference for 36,000

Four years ago, my colleague Mark Miller and I founded the All Day DevOps conference with seven friends from around the community.  We planned the conference in 90 days and expected 1,000 folks to show up to listen to the 57 speakers we had v… Continue reading Sonatype Partners with All Day DevOps to Deliver the Largest DevOps Conference for 36,000

Nexus Repo and Datree Integration Deliver Automated Pipeline Control

If your organization or development team currently uses, is considering, or has plans to use open source software to accelerate development and innovation, then you are likely familiar with the transformational shift in developer workflows. The be… Continue reading Nexus Repo and Datree Integration Deliver Automated Pipeline Control

Tara Hernandez Talks Code Rush, Google, DevOps

Shortly after watching the documentary, Code Rush, I met with Tara Hernandez, the hockey stick carrying lead of the Netscape project that was being documented.
The post Tara Hernandez Talks Code Rush, Google, DevOps appeared first on Security Boul… Continue reading Tara Hernandez Talks Code Rush, Google, DevOps

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. Developers Are Some of Our Best Guardians.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). NCSAM is a joint effort between government and industry to raise awareness about cyber threats. This year, NCSAM highlights three areas where cyber security protections (or vulnerabil… Continue reading October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. Developers Are Some of Our Best Guardians.

DevSecOps for a Dollar or Less

Anyone who grew up with siblings knows the phrase, “There is a wall here!!!!!” Of course, there wasn’t a physical wall, but an imaginary border that separated you and protected your space.
In software development, walls aren’t helpful…. Continue reading DevSecOps for a Dollar or Less

CocoaPods and Conda in Nexus Repository 3.19

New Supported Languages. More Stable Builds.
We are excited to officially announce native format support for CocoaPods and Conda dependency managers in Nexus Repository Manager 3.19. Over the last few months, Sonatype product teams have accelerate… Continue reading CocoaPods and Conda in Nexus Repository 3.19

CALMS: A Principle-based DevOps Framework

In this article series, we’re discussing the following three principle-based DevOps frameworks. The first was The Three Ways as described in The Phoenix Project and The DevOps Handbook. The second was Accelerate’s Technical and Managem… Continue reading CALMS: A Principle-based DevOps Framework

Accelerate: A Principle-based DevOps Framework

In this article series, we’re discussing the following three principle-based DevOps frameworks. The first was The Three Ways as described in The Phoenix Project and The DevOps Handbook.

The post Accelerate: A Principle-based DevOps Framewor… Continue reading Accelerate: A Principle-based DevOps Framework