What is the security impact to using a port different from 443 for HTTPS in my router
Are there any advantages or disadvantages for the security when using a non-standard port (i.e. not 443) for HTTPS in my router?
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Are there any advantages or disadvantages for the security when using a non-standard port (i.e. not 443) for HTTPS in my router?
I am going through my eJPT certification right now and I just want to know, when I run nmap -p- <ip address>, Nmap runs through all ports instead of just the default first 1000, correct?
Is this output from nmap ok? Or not secure and exploitable?
21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD (requires SSL)
22/tcp open ssh (protocol 2.0)
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http Apache httpd
110/tcp open pop3 Courier po… Continue reading Need Feedback for NMAP Scan output
I am studying CREST CPSA where the syllabus is listed here.
There is a part of the syllabus which states I should know the Evaluation of responsive but unknown network applications.
I find this interesting, as with my limited experience in… Continue reading How to evaluate a responsive but unknown network protocol?
After a quick scan of my network using nmap I found that my Smart TV Samsung has a strange open port 12345/tcp which seems to be linked to a known Trojan. What should I do to get rid of it?
I’ve configured my router firewall to allows outg… Continue reading Smart TV samsung has port 12345 (netbus) open
I am getting into the field of penetration testing and had a question about device information scans. I know that you can scan all of the devices on a network and scan for open ports, and in the process get some information on the devices…. Continue reading Disguising Device Information During IP and Open Port Scans
on my Ubuntu VPS I am getting a lot of requests and portscans from foreign sources. They are all blocked by UFW. However my question is, if this much "network noise" is normal or is my server being targeted?
Here is the UFW log:
… Continue reading How much network noise is normal? [closed]
Do for example programs running using xinetd have open ports and banners when running thru an allow rule in the firewall? (no filtering thru the firewall)
I train on vulnerable boxes and during my recon phase, I use nmap to collect info on open ports.
I use the command nmap -sS [IP|URL] and no matter the machine, I get the result that port 554 – RTSP open.
But my mate used the same command a… Continue reading Why when i nmap scan a machine i get the port 554 (RTSP) open?
I have a host server that the open ports are :
80/udp open|filtered http
130/udp open|filtered cisco-fna
255/udp open|filtered unknown
8080/udp open|filtered http-alt
22/tcp open ss… Continue reading Create a bridge UDP to TCP to use some dir listing [closed]