How to secure an open port and public IP address when clients must connect to it [duplicate]

I do not have a lot of experience in networking, however, I have built a live-chat application using and nodeJS. In order to do this, I had to open a port to allow other networks to connect. How can I ensure that the open port do… Continue reading How to secure an open port and public IP address when clients must connect to it [duplicate]

I ran a port scan of my public ip and found ports that I had not opened (forwarded) to be open

so today I was attempting to demonstrate something for a friend, so I ran a port scan of my public ip, of my home network, and found ports that I had not opened (forwarded)to be open. I am on optimum online, could this just be them messing… Continue reading I ran a port scan of my public ip and found ports that I had not opened (forwarded) to be open