Displaying Incoming Server Attacks by Giving Server Logs a Scoreboard

In the server world, it’s a foregone conclusion that ports shouldn’t be exposed to the greater Internet if they don’t need to be. There are malicious bots everywhere that will try and randomly access anything connected to a network, and it’s best just to shut them off completely. If you …read more

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Millions of Thunderbolt-Equipped Devices Open to ‘ThunderSpy’ Attack

If an attacker can get his hands on a Thunderbolt-equipped device for five minutes, he can launch a new data-stealing attack called “Thunderspy.” Continue reading Millions of Thunderbolt-Equipped Devices Open to ‘ThunderSpy’ Attack

Automate the Freight: Shipping Containers Sorted by Robot Stevedores

Towering behemoths are prowling the docks of Auckland, New Zealand, in a neverending shuffle of shipping containers, stacking and unstacking them like so many out-sized LEGO bricks. And they’re doing it all without human guidance.
It’s hard to overstate the impact containerized cargo has had on the modern world. The

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Continue reading Automate the Freight: Shipping Containers Sorted by Robot Stevedores