Check Point Adds Big Data Analytics Platform for Cybersecurity

Check Point Software Technologies this week launched a big data analytics platform providing analytics to give cybersecurity professionals visibility into every application and system they have deployed on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud. Z… Continue reading Check Point Adds Big Data Analytics Platform for Cybersecurity

How To Build An Authentication Platform

Today’s authentication requirements go way beyond hooking into a database or directory and challenging every user and service for an Id and password.  Authentication and the login experience, is the application entry point and can make o… Continue reading How To Build An Authentication Platform

EdgeEngine, Cloud-Native, and Orkus – Enterprise Security Weekly #117

tackPath launches EdgeEngine Serverless Computing, Alcide advances Cloud-Native security Firewall platform, Orkus launches Access Governance platform for Cloud Security, Tufin announces a new Cloud Security solution, and more! Enterprise News CodeSonar… Continue reading EdgeEngine, Cloud-Native, and Orkus – Enterprise Security Weekly #117

All About Peerlyst, a Thriving Online Platform for Cybersecurity Professionals

I am very proud to contribute to both Tripwire’s the State of Security and to be a regular Peerlyst poster. Peerlyst is a very important online platform for cybersecurity professionals. It’s my pleasure to speak with Limor Elbaz, Peerlyst&#… Continue reading All About Peerlyst, a Thriving Online Platform for Cybersecurity Professionals

The Demise of Pebble as a Platform

Despite owning five, including the original Pebble, I’ve always been somewhat skeptical about smart watches. Even so, the leaked news that Fitbit is buying Pebble for “a small amount” has me sort of depressed about the state of the wearables market. Because Pebble could have been a contender, although perhaps not for the reason you might guess.

Pebble is a pioneer of the wearables market, and launched its first smartwatch back in 2012, two years before the Apple Watch was announced. But after turning down an offer of $740 million by Citizen back in 2015, and despite cash injections from …read more

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Pips Help Everyone Around the House

Sometimes you start a project with every intention of using it in a specific way, or maybe your plan is to have a very well-defined set of features. Often, though, our projects go in a completely different direction than we might have intended. That seems to be the case with [Dave] and his Pips. These tiny devices were originally intended to be used by people with disabilities, but it turns out that they’re a perfect platform for this “Internet of Things” thing that we’ve been hearing so much about.

Built around the Bright Blue Bean microcontroller platform to take advantage …read more

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Snake On A BBC Micro:bit

The first of the BBC Micro Bits are slowly making their ways into hacker circulation, as is to be expected for any inexpensive educational gadget (see: Raspberry Pi). [Martin] was able to get his hands on one and created the “hello world” of LED displays: he created a playable game of snake that runs on this tiny board.

For those new to the scene, the Micro Bit is the latest in embedded ARM systems. It has a 23-pin connector for inputs and outputs, it has Bluetooth and USB connectivity, a wealth of sensors, and a 25-LED display. That’s small for …read more

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