If I send a plaintext e-mail using Gmail to somebody, including my PGP public key block, is that secure?

I’ve been trying to figure out “practical encryption” (AKA “PGP”) for many years. As far as I can tell, this is not fundamentally flawed:

I know Joe’s e-mail address: cool_joe@gmail.com.
I have a Gmail e-mail address: me_78@gmail.com.
I … Continue reading If I send a plaintext e-mail using Gmail to somebody, including my PGP public key block, is that secure?

How can any intelligent person believe that PGP, HTTPS or anything else we have today is secure, given history and logic?

It truly feels like we are living in an “afterworld”, long past the era when smart, intelligent, real men and women worked on things that really did matter. I’m talking about Enigma, Lorenz, Collossus, etc. The cipher machines and code-bre… Continue reading How can any intelligent person believe that PGP, HTTPS or anything else we have today is secure, given history and logic?