A History of Copper Pours
If you compare a modern PCB with a typical 1980s PCB, you might notice — like [lcamtuf] did — that newer boards tend to have large areas of copper known …read more Continue reading A History of Copper Pours
Collaborate Disseminate
If you compare a modern PCB with a typical 1980s PCB, you might notice — like [lcamtuf] did — that newer boards tend to have large areas of copper known …read more Continue reading A History of Copper Pours
When it comes to DIY projects, nothing beats the thrill of crafting something that rivals expensive commercial products. In the microphone build video below, [Electronoobs] found himself inspired by DIY …read more Continue reading Audio on a Shoestring: DIY Your Own Studio-Grade Mic
Normally, you have a choice with PCB prototypes: fast or cheap. [Stephen Hawes] has been trying fiber lasers to create PCBs. He’s learned a lot which he shares in the …read more Continue reading Perfecting 20 Minute PCBs with Laser
We know, you’ve already got a USB to serial adapter. Probably several of them, in fact. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use one more — especially when it’s as …read more Continue reading Break Me Off a Piece of That Open Source Serial Adapter
Each Christmas, [Adam Anderson], [Daniel Quach], and [Johan Wheeler] (meanwhile going by ‘the Janky Jingle Crew’)—set themselves the challenge of outdoing their previous creations. Last year’s CH32 Fireplace brought an …read more Continue reading Rudolph’s Sleigh on a North Pole PCB
If you aren’t up to date with [Carl Bugeja]’s work with tiny brushless PCB motors, his summary video of his latest design and all the challenges it involved is an …read more Continue reading PCB Motor Holds Fast, Even After 1.6 Billion Spins
There can be few among those of us who produce printed circuit boards, who have not at some point placed a component the wrong way round, or with the wrong …read more Continue reading Even Apple Get Their Parts Wrong Sometimes
Walking around the alley at Hackaday Supercon 2024, we noticed an interesting project was getting quite a bit of attention, so we got nearer for a close-up. The ‘Circuit Graver’ …read more Continue reading Rapid Prototyping PCBs With The Circuit Graver
We’ve always been fascinated by things that perform complex electronic functions merely by virtue of their shapes. Waveguides come to mind, but so do active elements like filters made from …read more Continue reading Making PCB Strip Filter Design Easy to Understand
Usually when we present a project on these pages, it’s pretty cut and dried — here’s what was done, these are the technologies used, this was the result. But sometimes …read more Continue reading A Brand-New Additive PCB Fab Technique?