The future is passwordless. What’s slowing it down?

Ping Identity and Yubico surveyed IT leaders across the globe to determine their appetite for passwordless solutions. Overwhelmingly, the desire was clear to adopt more secure and convenient methods of passwordless authentication. They cited gains in s… Continue reading The future is passwordless. What’s slowing it down?

Strong passwords still a priority strategy for enterprises

Bitwarden announced the results of a global survey of enterprise security decision makers, conducted by 451 Research, which explores enterprise password management practices and intent. Overall, the survey finds that strong passwords remain a priority … Continue reading Strong passwords still a priority strategy for enterprises

Is a very long and random password theoretically immune to password cracking?

Suppose a password’s stored hash is exposed in a theoretical mass security breach of a popular service given the following assumptions:

The password is very long (30+ characters)
The password uses a full range of characters (94 possible a… Continue reading Is a very long and random password theoretically immune to password cracking?

Why are many businesses still not using a password manager?

Why are we still talking about passwords? We already have single sign-on (SSO), and passwordless is the new buzzword everyone is talking about, but when you put yourself in the shoes of someone who is responsible for the overall security of an organiza… Continue reading Why are many businesses still not using a password manager?

How are the values of stored firefox credit cards encrypted? And how does one decrypt those?

While researching about the safety of web browsers I made my own program that can decrypt stored credentials, cookies, and other information of different browsers to see for myself how easy it is.
Though when trying to decrypt the credit c… Continue reading How are the values of stored firefox credit cards encrypted? And how does one decrypt those?